Schemes & Grants

Financial support to defray caregiving cost

You will accomplish

  • Identify suitable schemes & grants in Singapore
  • Apply for schemes/grants with the respective agencies

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Common schemes and grants for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs)

Agency of Integrated Care (AIC) Grants Division implements a few common financial care schemes for PwD based on the level of their ability to perform the 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently.

ADLs or basic self-care tasks is a concept of how independent a person is. The 6 basic activities of daily living (ADLs) are:










Walking or Moving Around



From bed to chair and vice versa

The number of ADLs that require assistance will determine the level of disability and the eligible schemes to apply for:

1 to 2 ADL some assistance Mild Disability 3 ADLs some assistance Moderate Disability 3 ADLs full assistance Severe Disability
Home Caregiving Grant
CareShield Life


The care recipient's donee/deputy may provide consent on the care recipient's behalf. If the care recipient does not have such a donee/deputy, the caregiver may make the application on care recipient's behalf. For successful applications without a donee/deputy, the caregiver or another family member has 12 months to obtain a court order appointing him/her as a deputy.

For more information on how to apply for a Deputyship you can visit the Deputyship.

Yes. it is possible that a care recipient receives both Home Caregiving Grant and Careshield life payout as long as he/she meets the eligibility criteria of both schemes. If so, visit an MOH-accredited severe disability assessor to undergo a disability assessment instead of obtaining a Functional Assessment Report (FAR).