You will accomplish
- Learn of different insurance options
- Start an application for an insurance
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Know your choices
There are a selected number of insurances tailored for persons with special needs. Each scheme has varying criterias for application, but they aim to offer a cost-effective form of coverage for PwDs and their families.
Take Action
Review your choices
Tap on the options to find out more and to apply.
Explore other private insurance options
Private insurance companies may also offer schemes that, while not specifically catered for PwDs, may be suitable for application. Acceptance is dependant on each insurer and their product. You may contact other insurance advisors to determine what other private insurance options may be suitable for your needs.
Are you ready to get started?
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There are various Government subsidies available to help Singaporeans with their MediShield Life premiums. In addition, there is Additional Premium Support (APS) to help those who are unable to afford their MediShield Life premiums even after Government subsidies and if they have limited family support.
The Government will send them application forms to apply for APS, and reach out to them to help them with the process if they are unable to make the applications by themselves. You can also consider filing in the APS form here.
You can buy NTUC Income SpecialCare (Autism/Down Syndrome) plan even if your child is covered by Medishield Life. This is because this policy pays for outpatient treatment when your child suffers an accidental injury or contracts an infectious disease which is generally not covered under a Medishield Life plan. It also helps to pay for part of hospitalisation expenses that falls within Medishield Life's deductible or co-insurance limit.
SpecialCare (Autism/Down Syndrome) plan also provides unique benefits such as physiotherapy and psychiatric therapy, personal liability. More importantly, it is designed to provide coverage for your child as most insurance companies will decline acceptance for insurance coverage.