Medical Screening & Services

Accessible specialized healthcare

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You will accomplish

  • Obtain a comprehensive health assessment
  • Apply for suitable medical support services
  • Prepare a checklist for communications

Gain access to specialised healthcare

Accessible healthcare services, tailored to meet the specific needs of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), play a crucial role in promoting their physical and mental health. This includes accessible facilities, equipment and communication methods as well as trained healthcare professionals who understand the unique challenges faced by people with disabilities.

Take Action


Some fees may be applicable, please call to enquire if there are any subsidies available.

If you are already seeing a regular GP and you are confident that your child is very comfortable and his needs are well attended to and no major concerns, please continue to follow up with your regular GP. When necessary, the disability doctor can also link up with your GP to close the gaps to address concerns the GP might not be able to.

As understanding a person with disability require investigation into more areas of needs, it will be helpful if you can set aside at least one hour of time. If there are previous documents of psychological or other medical records, it will be helpful to provide the documents before or bring during the appointment and visit.